Thursday, 11 June 2015

Intellectual wit:
a person's ability effectively to perform mathematical calculations, analyzing, remembering, and arguing. So that in general, the child will be able to find and develop science well.

Emotional Intelligence:
a person's ability to manage and utilize feeling well. Such as understanding other people, self-reliance, cooperation, self-adjusting and positive thinking. Surely it is influenced also by a healthy personality.

Moral Intelligence
the ability of someone who is sensitive and capable of determining good and bad. Such as honesty, willingness to help, solidarity, kepedulianan, simplicity and fair. Spiritual intelligence is the ability of a person to be able to develop values ​​mulya, such as: love, truth, ketaquan, obedience, service, dedication and sacrifice. So the Spiritual intelligence is not just obedience in carrying out the laws of religion, but also the values ​​and attitudes in religion sincere and noble.

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