Monday, 23 November 2015

Children who are experiencing health problems often membut parents worry that fever is no exception, commonly experienced by children. Although fever is one of the common health conditions often experienced by children, but don't be ignored especially when experiencing a fever of more than 3 days. Similarly, with the condition the children up and down the fever, body temperature instability a child who sometimes make parents worry. This time we will discuss it on a child's fever rises down. Bahayakah in case of fever up and down on a child?
Understanding Fever
Fever is not forever identify something serious, fever can be a sign that the body is being against the infection. Fever is generally caused due to virus infections are mild or dangerous viruses like dengue virus which causes dengue fever Dengue (DBD). Fever is characterized by above normal body temperature, the normal body temperature conditions on the position of 37.5 degrees Celsius. Increased body temperature can be caused due to an increase in small molecules called pirogen who became the founders of body heat increases.
Learn about the dangerous fever in children
Fever in children is not always harmful. Fever can be caused by allergies, immunizations, dental growth or mild infections. So that children who experience fever, parents need not panic. Increase in body temperature in children can be caused due to the activity of the child. However, if the fever is accompanied by seizures, nosebleeds, red bintikan occurs on the body and also fever has already happened for three days then we recommend that you perform a medical examination.
How a child's fever with up and down?
The condition of fever in children are diverse, one of them due to infection. For children who experience fevers up and down hard should do further examination with a blood test. The condition can hop on and off fever suspected as disease typhus. The symptoms usually first week children hot later in the second week experiencing similar fever but up and down even many who think that your child has recovered from a fever. When this condition is accompanied by stomach mules, the pulse rises and looks of abdominal pain needs to be controlled because it was feared the content will spill on usu abdominal cavity and need hospitalization.
Whereas if your child is often fever then the fever goes down and in a couple of weeks later the fever came back and recovered in just a few days. This feared misbehaving child on the body immune system so that the need to get serious handling.
One of them is harmful or not to determine the condition of the fever that is up and down is to do further blood test pemeriksan in the laboratory. Examination of the test lab should be based on the letter of referral from your doctor. Things that you should notice is the make the resume child fever, making it easier to consult a doctor about the condition of your child.
Thus the rush up and down conditions in children cannot be said to be a danger or not dangerous if not yet dikatehui health problems suffered by children. The possibility can be a mild disease or a disease that is dangerous, therefore strongly advised immediately checks if your child has experienced the heat up and down over three days so soon can prevent the occurrence of health disorders that impact badly on his health.

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