Wednesday, 18 November 2015

If you are one among the thousands of women who are struggling to lose weight, work out the maximum in the fitness center and counting every calorie that goes into your body, all the while surrounded by men who appear to be so quickly got the ideal body shape, you're not alone.

The news said that men are more easily lose weight is between the myths with facts. The actual difference between men and women in this regard is the issue of physiological.

Men are more easily burn calories, because they tend to have a height, weight and muscle mass more than women. You already know that muscle mass is one of the determining factors of burning body fat. The more muscle mass you have, the easier You burn fat.

With regard to height and weight of men more than women, or in other words men tend to be larger than females, this also affected. People who are big-body had its own profits than small-body.

Because men had to bear the weight and height more time of activity, they need more energy too. Because they need more energy, their bodies burn more calories, says Joey Gochnour, dieticians and nutrition as well as a certified fitness trainer in the United States.

Because of the need of calories man more, modification of diet and exercise that they run will produce a deficit of calories. As a result, the men's weight down faster than a woman doing the same diet and exercise with men.

Larger organs will take the calories. Small organs, taking small calories too. The female organs are smaller, will not burn calories more than the man whose size is larger. So, women will not be calorie deficit as much as men. This is what causes the weight loss woman walking slower than men.

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