Saturday 13 February 2016

No couples on Valentine's day often become a scourge for some people. ThoughValentine's day is not a day showing off a couple.

Psychologist of the clinic Human Resources, Sani B Hermawan explains if Valentine's day is basically a Valentines day. This should be a fundamental thing to understand.

Compassion can be celebrated with family, other relatives or spouses. It could also bemore caring towards others who are less capable. There is no necessity if Valentines day it should be celebrated with the couple as well as full of chocolate and flowers.

"So, no matter if it's singles on Valentine's day. It's not a disgrace. Don't be afraid kenabully simply because the status of the singles, "said Sani.

The question of the impact of bullying because of the status of the singles, Sani argueif it depends on the person's mindset. If he had a real understanding, then the subjectmatter should not bully problem. If the person is indeed a worrying matter of the couple, the impact bullying can be very pronounced.

"Until there is are willing to find a boyfriend for the sake of Valentine's day. Imposesuitable when in fact it is not. It even makes the relationship so unhealthy. The results are in fact often quarrels and quickly broke up, "explained Sani.

Friday 11 December 2015


One morning, I give pocket money to my little sister. I happen to have two sister. A sister of the 6th grade of ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and a younger male class 3 SD. I give pocket money with different amounts to them. Of course my sister got the amount of pocket money that lerbih a lot. Knowing this, when after school my brother protested to me.
"Mas, kalo for fair money donk! My pocket money is less ripe than punyane big brother? "
Then I threw a question to him, "do you think it's fair that as what?"
By polosnya my sister's new 9 year old replied, "Yes, the same amount should donk Mas. Kalo dapet sister so I must also be the same amount as well. "
With a smile I leave him a moment later I met him again by bringing two pieces of glass, literan, and a bottle of water. Both glasses have a different size. The first large glasses and a second small glasses.
"Ok, now I'm dik, help each of the glasses you fill with water as much as 240 mL!"
With little direction from me, he started to fill water into the literan until you reach the number 240 mL and poured it into large glasses. In a large glass, the water almost filled the glass content. However, at the time he filled a small glass of water spilled.
Then I asked him to empty glasses. And now I give different instructions. "Now fill water into each of the glasses until full!"
He started pouring water into each of the glasses until full. And now there is no spilled water.
My best friend and you!
One lesson we can take from the story above: Justice it is not depending on the amount of size.
Often among us complaining to God. "O God why he had more possessions than I? He has the same job, our worship is also the same. Even sometimes I'm better than him. "
Fixed to us that God is Omniscient? He knows will size each of his slaves. He's not going to give something to his servant unless the appropriate size of the servant.
So, don't ever berburuk thought to God! Keep trying and thanks to what God gave to us! Do not complain and despair! But rest assured God always gives the best fit to the size of his slaves!

Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson

Thomas Paine, an American statesman once said, ... Praised and ridiculed it often so close relation to hard grouped separately. One step above just compliment already makes it so the laughingstock. Similarly, one step above that ridiculed can make it in the League again.
You know about the famous detective stories, the Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson?
Indeed a witty story we often hear between Sherlock Holms and Watson under is arguably just a joke. But the moral of the story could be quite willing to indicate what is meant by Thomas Paine at the top.
Never heard of? One afternoon Sherlock Holmes and its loyal Assistant Watson were camping in the middle of his expedition. After completing the meal that night, these two men thus entered and deep sleep in his tent.
Middle of the night Holmes suddenly awaken the Assistant.
Watson, wake up! Trying to say do you see?
While rub eyes Watson then look up to the sky, I see the billions star.
Then what is the meaning of it all sergah Holmes.
Billions of the star sign of the existence of the potential formation of millions of planets, replied Watson. But if time based on the current position of the Moon at 05.00 a.m. approached.
What else? urges the Bosses.
Ah, I was still sleepy and tired. Our own opinion, what is the meaning of it all?
Who asked pause. Then answered, Dear Watson! It means there is a burglar stole our TENT!
A friend, sometimes, once more, even in this life we also like Watson.
corn Farmerss

The story of Corn Farmers, who in the footage of the Fictional book of Shoe Last
The father is businessman type which made me not exhausted thought. If most people do business, do not want to divide the secret recipe, nor its main science, Dad is just the opposite. Dad never stingy to share science, of the officers, all his students to make shoes. None of the science which he hide. Not only that, their didorongnya for freelance and independent from the father.
I and brother the time it got astonished. Educates officers for the independent isn't quite going to give birth to a new competitor for the venture's father?
Dad explains his concept with a simple story. The story that still I remember until now.
"The father ever stories to you guys about the story of a successful corn farmers?"
brother and I just shook his head.
"Once there was a very successful farmer in corn.", the father ceased to take breath for a moment.
I and brother pairs of ear, enthusiastically listening.
With a tone like a storyteller, he continued, "In his country, annually held a contest to find the corn, which produce corn farmers best. A successful farmer, he often won the contest the corn. Not just once, but many times and can be, every contest held corn farmers here's the winner. You know the secret? " Ask the father to our direction.
"Secret Fertilizer?", my brother try answer.
"No, that's not the secret. One time a journalist asked at these successful farmers, what's the secret formula he was able to win the contest the corn until it many times. The farmer replied, there are no secret formulas, I just share my corn seeds to farmers neighbors "
"Why, the best maize seeds kok instead given to neighbors? But how he wins? Weird! ", I said.
"He was the key," Daddy smiled. "Alin in schools already learn IPA right? About plants that have pollen and pistil? "
"Already" I replied while nodding.
"We know that the wind flying the pollen from the flowers are ripe, and menebarkannya from one field to another field.", father's hand twitch a tub of a storyteller.
"Just imagine if the neighboring corn plants are bad, then the pollen scattered to successful farmers fields it is also bad. It certainly lowers the quality of the corn. "
My sister make agree began to understand.
The father continued "Instead if the neighboring corn plants well, then pollen brought the wind from their corn fields will be good anyway, this is when we want to get the corn is good, we should help our neighbors to get the corn anyway.
"So it is with our son. If we are to achieve success, then we must help people around be successful anyway. Those who want to live well must help people around them to live well. "Father close his story wisely.
the teacher

An inspiring story. At one time, there was a wise teacher. Many pupils who come from distant places, to listen to the tip cleverly. One day, as usual, the students gathered to listen to the lessons learned from the master.
Many pupils begin to come meet the teaching space. They come in and sit down calmly and smartly, looking forward, ready to hear what is being said by the teacher.
Finally the teacher ever came, and sat down in front of his students. The teacher brought a large jar, there is a stack of stone looked to blackish-sized hand. Talk without a Word, the teacher took the stones one by one, and put it carefully into a glass jar. When the jar is full of Black Rock, the teacher turned to the disciples, and then ask.
"If the jar is already full?"
"Yes, sir", answered the student, "right, that the jar is full."
Without saying anything, the teacher started putting gravel-gravel round in red into the jar it. Gravel-gravel that is small enough so that it falls on the sidelines a large black stone. After all the gravel into the jar, the teacher turned to the disciples, and then ask.
"If the jar is already full?"
"Yes, sir", answered the student, "right, that the jar is full."
Still without saying anything more, now the teacher take a container of fine sand, and then put it in the jar. Easily sand-the sand any entry meets the sidelines the Red gravel and Black Rock. After entering all the teachers, are now turning to the disciples, and then ask again.
"If the jar is already full?"
Now the disciples not too confident to answer the question his teacher. But the sand looks that clearly meet the sidelines gravel inside the jar, make it look full. This time only a few nods, and then replied,
"Yes, sir", answered some of the students, "right, that the jar is full."
Still without saying anything more, the teacher turned around to take a jar of water, and then poured it on with ahti-heart into the large jar. When the water has reached the lip of the jar, now the teacher turned to the disciples, and then ask again.
"If the jar is already full?"
This time, most pupils choose silence, but there are two or three who ventured to reply,
Yes the teacher, the pupil a little responsible, right, that the jar is full.
Still without saying anything more, the teacher took one bag contains salt. Ditaburkannya a little bit and carefully from the surface of the water, salt isamaa dissolves, and then added again a little bit, and so on until the entire depleted the salt is soluble in water. Now the teacher facing to par amurid, and once again ask, "Whether the jar is already full?"
This time all pupils actually these silent until finally a disciple who dared answer, o teacher, the jar is full, it's now.
The teacher replied, yeah right, the jar is now full.
The teacher then goes on him say,
"A story always has a lot of meaning, and each of you have understood a lot of things from this demonstration. Discuss with fellow you guys, what the wisdom that you guys have. How many different lessons that can you guys find and you take from him."
The murd ever looked at the teacher, and toward the jar now contains with a variety of colors, there are black, there are red, there is sand, water, and salt. Then they calmly discuss with other pupils. After a few minutes later the teacher raised his hand, the whole room ever silent. The teacher then said,
Always remember that there is never just one interpretation of everything. You guys have been taking all the wisdom and the message of the story, and wisdom, each as important as the other.
Then without speaking any more, no matter the teacher got up and left the room.

Thursday 3 December 2015


The Characteristics Of Heart Disease Prevention Plus. The heart is a very vital organ in the human body, though not mengesampngkan the role of other organs. In our body, the circulatory system is always working 24 hours to drain the blood throughout our body. In this case, the heart is one of the organs that play a role in blood flow throughout the body.

From the description above, we so know that once the importance of the role of the heart in our body. We cannot imagine, if the heart we are experiencing serious problems. So that blood circulation can be plagued by serious problems. For that reason, this time health tips will be bringing an article that is very beneficial for your heart-related. Health tips, the following characteristics of heart disease prevention plus:

The traits we can heart disease detection carefully. If you experience pain in the chest (chest like impaled), then sense pounding, often experiencing shortness of breath, kesemuatan in some parts of the body in cold keringan on out join the body. This is an indication of the symptoms of heart trouble.

Friends, In addition to the above symptoms, we also know that the name heart failure and coronary heart attacks. Symptoms when we are affected by heart failure i.e. the sufferer is usually affected by insomnia or sleeplessness at night of the day, your feet become swollen, tired quickly though with a light activity as well as symptoms such as shortness of breath on you. For symptoms of coronary artery disease, namely the occurrence of blockage in the veins especially in the arteries on the heart due to harden. So the blood circulation that supply blood to the heart are experiencing serious problems.
Friends, many business sekal we can do to prevent all of the above and make your heart healthier and work optimally for your body. Here's some how:
1. A very Balanced Diet helps keep your heart health. In this case we should get used to consume a diverse food that has a rich nutrient content anyway. Vegetables such as spinach and avocado fruit and nuts good for your heart health. Spinach is a vegetable that is good for the heart. This is because the vegetable spinach contain lots of potassium in very high quantities as well as low sodium would be to maintain the health of your heart. For the avocado, fruit is very good to keep ksesehatan your heart. This is because the avocado fruit, many contain potassium and fiber type 7 contain vitamins are very good for your heart, namely vitamin e. To nuts, there are two types namely cashew nuts as well as the almone. Two types of these foods contain omega 3 which is very good for the health of your heart.
2. The importance of maintaining an Ideal body weight. The ideal weight is also very needed to maintain the health of your heart. To find out if your ideal weight, you can count them easily. High Yaiut bada you minus 100 then multiply 90 percent, then you will have an ideal body weight should be. Example your height then: 173 (173-100) 90 66.7 kg.

Danger Due To Lack Of Sleep. Sleep is a routine activity performed by humans to relax body and mind. A great many benefits we can get from the sleep activity. One of them, namely the body will be fitter and fresh when awake. So that we are ready to face the days are heavy and tiring that we have to live today. On the contrary, lack of sleep will negatively impact for the health of the body. Then what are the dangers resulting from the lack of sleep for health ...???

Friends, Many of us who ignore this sleep activity. This can be proven, we often still awake at night of the day such as watch tv late into the night, chatting with friends to forget at night time or do activities in the evening except those that have to work at night the day. Friends, health tips. Less sleep at night is not very good for your health. The following 7 Danger due to the lack of sleep for health:

1. Lost Focus When Driving. If you are a worker should wear a car and motor. You should have enough rest at night day. This is because, if your lack of sleep at night, then your focus can be ensured when the wheel will decrease. This can be dangerous for you, because we know the number of vehicles from year to year continues to increase so that it can be imagined. You lose the focus in the middle of the large number of vehicles in addition to left, right, back, ahead of you. Remember the lives at stake, due to lack of sleep. a study in America showed that sleep quality is low, it can cause accidents and injuries while working.
2. Lost Concentration When Learning. Did you know, lack of sleep can lead to decreased concentration. For you are a student or you have to work using your mind, sleep deprivation can lead to disruption of concentration when you are learning or need to remember about something already and yet you used to do before.
3. Worsened Health Conditions Of The Body. Due to the lack of sleep is also very bad for your body's health. You will come to a variety of ailments such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke even diabetes. You did not wish to experience it all right ....????
4. Stress Increases. Due to the lack of sleep the other i.e. you will often experience stress, often grumpy is unclear and seems often gloomy in between the time your activities daily.
5. The Older Looking Skin. Due to the lack of sleep the fifth will have an impact that is not good for your skin and eyes. In this case, your skin will look pale and dull and smooth the wrinkles that appear on your skin and your eyes look puffy.
6. You often forget to remember stuff that you put on your own, when about to need such items. It also allow your result in less sleep at night. Try to think of yourself, it's enough that your night's sleep during this time.
7. The Rise Of Obesity. Due to the bed that is obese or overweight. When we are always awake at night, it will be an increase in hunger and craving or appetite always wanted to tersalurkan that will trigger obesity or overweight with the excess weight of the ideal size.