Thursday, 11 June 2015

Learning is a process of behavior change obtained as a result of training and experience or individual adaptation to the environment. Based on the understanding of motivation and learning above, it can be concluded that the motivation to learn a concept that describes the forces that move organisms, or forces within the organism to evoke, directing and maintaining learning behavior.

High and low motivation to learn individual can be seen from the intensity and direction as well as the regularity of learning is doing. The higher the seriousness, the more focused and more steady learning activities that do, the higher the motivation to learn.

From the above it can be seen that the concept of motivation to learn has three aspects, namely: The desire or initiative to learn. This initiative is the energy or strength within the individual. Energy is one of the fundamental motivation to learn.

Energy aspects of motivation showed sincerity or seriousness of the individual in the act. Strengths are internal within the individual is what serves to encourage individuals to choose the desire to learn. The higher power to learn, then the stronger desire to learn. Their direction in learning which includes involvement in the task as a form of interaction between individual internal forces with the situation from the outside. Individuals who have a lot of energy for learning activities characterized by engagement and willingness to learn. This is in line with the opinion of Elliot, et al (1999: 27) that the function of motivation is maintaining, directing and integrating with certain behaviors, so it will look at the level of intensity of the behavior of the individual concerned in carrying out an activity.

Consistency or regularity. Behavior arises because of the beliefs of the individual against such behavior, making it difficult to leave the behavior of individuals who have been (Baron, et al, 1999: 51). The choice of learning behavior will be steady or survive after their strong commitment or conviction of the value and direction of positive learning behavior. Individuals who have committed or strong beliefs influenced essentially very difficult to switch to another behavior that is contrary to the behavior which is believed.

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