Friday, 27 November 2015

A friend, Having a healthy body is the hope of all people. This can be on the mark with the blood pressure remains normal. With a stable blood pressure, then the work of the organs of the body will also be optimal. You will certainly avoid from possibility get high blood pressure or hypertension. Then, is there any easy tips so that your blood pressure is high and not always stable. ..???

Hypertension or high blood pressure because the disease is one of the diseases that we should avoid. Did you know, that having high blood pressure can lead to complications laiinya especially can interfere with the working system of the heart, stroke and also even erectile dysfunction. Thus, health tips this time will be bringing an article that might be very useful to the reader. Health tips, the following easy tips so that your blood pressure is not high:

1. the first Tips that is by listening to the music that beatnya is stable and doing very well turned out respiratory exercises to keep your blood pressure remains normal. This is because, listening to music is an excellent media to widen arteries, relieving anxiety and be able to prevent you from constriction of blood vessels in the body.
2. the second Tip is to do activities to laugh. Laugh it is good to keep your blood pressure remains stable. Laughing teryata can also make the enlarged blood vessels amounting to 22. So that will make widespread blood vessel that will be very good for improving blood circulation in the body and will ultimately reduce high blood pressure or hypertension.
3. the third Tip is to consume dark chocolate. Dark chocolate turns can keep blood pressure in your body remains normal. According to a study conducted in Italy in 2008 stated that consuming dark chocolate every day for 15 days can help to lower systolic blood pressure. Therefore, consuming dark chocolate is easy tips so that your blood pressure remains stable.
4. the fourth IE Tips provide home blood pressure gauges. This is a very effective tips to know the blood pressure in your body every time. You can measure your blood pressure at your free time each day with a blood pressure gauge you have yourself.

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