Wednesday, 1 October 2014

A king who enter old age want to look for a replacement. Unlike the habit, he did not refer children and his closest aides. He instead called for the youth in the country and made ​​a speech in front of them. "I'm going to hold a contest. Y'all will get a seed. Plant these seeds, take care, and come back for another year with each of you plants. Those who have the best plants would instantly become king I pointed to my place!"
A young man named Arya looks very enthusiastic. He planted the seed, and water it every day. But until a month passed not grow anything. After 6 months, the youths began to talk about their plants that grow tall, but Arya is empty pot. Arya did not say anything to his friends. He kept waiting for the seeds to grow.
A year passed. All youth bring their crops to the king. Arya initially reluctant, but her mother encouraged her to go and talk for what it is. King welcomed the youth while praising the plants they carry. "Work you extraordinary. Plants you are not playing the beautiful. I will appoint one of you be the new emperor!" Suddenly the king who saw Arya standing behind the call. Arya panic, "Lest I be killed," he thought. Cash chaotic atmosphere with boos and jeers audience watched his empty pot. "Shut it!" cried the king. He turned to the King, then announced, "This is your new king!" All shocked. How is it possible that people who fail to become king? King continued, "A year ago, I gave you a seed to be planted., But I gave is seed that has been cooked and could not grow. Y'all have to replace it with another seed. Aryans only have COURAGE and HONESTY to bring pot with seeds I gave. therefore he who I raised my place!
At one place, there lived a boy. He lives in a happy family, with parents and relatives. However, he never appreciate how good life she had. He continued to play, annoying relatives if they do not want to play what he wants. But, when he wanted to apologize, he always said, "It's okay, tomorrow could have."
When a rather large, the school is very fun for him. He learned, make friends, and very happy. However, he was never grateful. All just lived that he considers all naturally. One day, he fights with his best friend. Although he knew it was wrong, but never take the initiative to apologize and make up with his best friend. The reason he is, "It's okay, tomorrow could have." When he is rather large, his best friend was not lagi.Walaupun he still frequently saw him, but they never exchanged mutually-greet. But it is not a problem, because he's still got a lot of other good friends. He and his friends almost do everything together, eating, playing, doing homework, and streets.
Yes, they were all his friends the most good. After graduation, work to keep them busy. He met a very beautiful woman and good, he soon became her boyfriend. He was so busy with his work, because he wants to be promoted to the highest position in the shortest time possible. Sure, he missed with his friends. But he never again contacted them again, even by telephone. He always said, "Ah, I'm tired, I'll call them tomorrow." It's not too distracting him, because he has friends who have always wanted to have a work out.
So, time passed, he forgot altogether to call his friends. 
After she married and had children, he worked harder in order to membaha giakan family. He never again buy flowers for his wife, or even remember his wife's birthday and also the day of their wedding. But, it does not matter to him, because his wife always understand him, and never abuse it. 
Sure, sometimes she feels guilty and was eager to have a chance to tell her "I love you", but he never did. 
The reason he is, "It's okay, I would definitely say it tomorrow." 
He never had time to come to the birthday party of her children, but she did not know it would affect his children. The children began to stay away, and never really spend their time with her ​​father.
One day, misfortune came when his wife was killed in an accident. 
He was hit by a run. But that day, he was in a meeting. He does not realize that it kecela kaan fatal, he had come when she will be picked death. Before I could say "I love you", his wife died. The man was despondent and try to find the entertainer himself through his children after his wife's death. But, he realized his children would never communicate with him. Once, adult children and build their families. No one cares these same parents who in the past have never taken the time to them. She moved to a nursing home is best, which is providing very good services with the money he saved for a wedding celebration to 50, 60, and 70, he and his wife. 
All the money was actually used to go to Hawaii, New Zealand, and other countries, but is now used to pay for her stay at the nursing home.

From then until his death, there were only old people and nuns who took care of her. He now feels very lonely, feeling he had never felt before. When he wanted to die, he called a nurse and said to him, "Ah, if only I had realized this sooner ...." And she died with tears on her cheeks.
What I'm trying to say to you is: When it never stops. You go ahead and forward, before you realize, you have advanced too far.
If you ever quarrel, immediately berbaikanlah If you feel want to hear the voice of your friend, do not hesitate to call segera.Terakhir, but this is the most important. If you feel you want to say something to someone, that you love him, do not wait until it's too late. If you continue to think that you will tell him the other day, this day would never come. If you always think that tomorrow will come, it is "tomorrow" will go so fast, so you just realized the time had left. Do not delay send this email to your friends. Or is it still possible tomorrow .....?

Kampung Naga is located approximately 90 km from Bandung, Kampung Naga administratively including Legok Dage village, Neglasari, District Salawu, Tasikmalaya regency.
Kampung Naga has an area of ​​about 1.5 ha. If we describe the geortafis borders include: west are cliffs, the north borders with Kakalen (river Ciwulan), East of the River Ciwulan limited, and the South side Kakalen (river).
Kampung Naga is flanked by cliffs and the river that flows along the region. Even this river as they take advantage of the community pool. Every 3 months once they are planted and took this fish from the pool that was made special by the people of Kampung Naga.
There are 111 number of buildings, consisting of 109 residential houses a mosque and a meeting hall all of which are facing towards the East.
Dragon society is the majority work as farmers, but there are some who migrated to Jakarta and Bali became employees and vendors. Sometimes they come back after a few years dirantau or during Eid. In the non-formal system, dragon society recognize and acknowledge the Kuncen (caretaker) as a indigenous stakeholders.
There is a surprising level of their education. It turns out there is a dragon community college education to work even in Japan. All this at a cost scholarship. Including traditional leaders who have a degree Kang Ade Drs. But indeed the majority of them educated up to primary school and secondary school.
Wherever located, dragon society always looks different to other people in general. That is because they always bring palsapah Naga village life wherever they go. Among them; 
1.Ngalindungna sihung maung, diteuheurna meumenteng. 
2.Ulah aya guam. 
3.Bisa tuliskeun,teu bisa kanyahokeun. 
4.Sok lamun eling, moal hirup salamet.
The second president of the Republic of Indonesia Suharto was one of the three Great General in Indonesia. Who does not know him? Who does not know the style of speech? Surely all Indonesian people know, even the people of the world also knows who the rulers of the New Order, who had led Indonesia for more than thirty years.
Surely not everyone there thinks that people who served as President of the Republic of Indonesia for more than thirty years and held the rank of General of the Great was once just a country boy who does not know anything. Soeharto was born in a village called Argomulyo in Jogjakarta on 9 June 1921 In his childhood he was just a shepherd buffalo. Not crossed his mind that he would become a great man. But because of the intelligence and prowess eventually he could reach the top position as the number one in Indonesia.
In the era of President Soeharto's leadership or the so-called New Order Indonesia developed into a very prosperous country and prosperous. Even Indonesia is very respected by other countries, let alone willing to take the bad parts of Indonesia said only about Indonesia they do not dare.
But unfortunately as the development of the Indonesian economy, KKN (corruption, collusion and nepotism) also changes. Children and brothers and sisters and even the men he harness the power of the President to conduct corruption. Finally beliaupun fallen power by urging the students. He was in blasphemy and insults by people who used to grovel and beg her office. They seemed to forget over what was given by him to himself as oblivious to the nut skin.
He also died in early 2008, the body of his journey along the thousands or even millions of Indonesian people poured into the streets to accompany him to the grave departure.
Lifestyle of the people now are far different from the first community. Sense of community has begun to fade dilimgkungan community, especially the community town all seemed to have disappeared without a trace. In the past, our neighbors every day always met and exchanged greetings, but now what is happening within the quasi-public city busy with the affairs of each and underestimate the association community. There's even one month more neighbors never met, even though his house side by side.
It all is a matter of ironic is not it? Where is our sense of community. Have we already forgotten the way of life of Indonesian society that is more concerned with unity than individuality. We live in Indonesia, not in America.
In the urban area the impact of migration is a fundamental problem that must be faced, because of the consequences such as "urbanization as a way of life". The birth of the urban life style (individual extreme, calculating and competitive nature, concerned with outward appearance, emphasizing the things of a personal nature, nature is indifferent and aggressive nature of the townspeople). Contradictions surrounding the collective consumption, land seizures or evictions city-dwellers expulsion of squatters, cultural conflicts and so forth. These things are not found in rural areas. The characteristic feature of full mutual cooperation, mutual help between people and suave in rural ties thick, very contrary to that found in urban areas. Collisions is what causes the feeling of foreign migrants and frustration in addition they have to continue to sustain life, on the other hand they feel unable to face tough competition to live in urban areas.
City dwellers are more swollen this course will lead to the emergence of a variety of social insecurity in urban areas. The migrants from the village when I first came to the city will experience difficulties both in obtaining living infrastructure in the city, as well as psychological bebab facing the urban environment. The clash of old habits to new habits that ultimately lead to identity crisis is a manifestation of the absence of norms, ie the gap between the abandonment of traditional norms that they lived in the village during the biological with the receipt of a new norm in the city. This situation will make it easier for migrants perform acts that violate the norm (deviant behavior) or lapse into criminal acts.
Another thing to note is that the symptoms of underdevelopment city as a result of the rapid migration in the urban centers. Although the infrastructure in the city has been upgraded and income has generally increased, but the statistics and their government survey data clearly shows the gap between the rich and poor has widened over the past 15 years. There appears to be a relatively stable core population groups within the community whose income is higher and the size much less than the low-income population. The core is surrounded by a floating mass of people who are highly mobile nature. They may be seasonal migrants who are constantly moving in different residential areas.
The relationship between migration and other deviant behavior is also evident from the fact that the inability or failure of the newcomers to show the role of performance in social relationships are often pushed chosen ways to deviate in its various forms. Anomie will occur in an environment where people realize that they can not achieve the aspirations and goals of the dominant culture through legitimate means. Individuals may be aware for example, that no matter how hard he works, he can not reach the expected level of material wealth. In such circumstances, the deviant behavior may arise. So the moral obligation to achieve success raises the pressure to succeed, either through appropriate means and manner in violation.