Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Tourist destination, there is a beautiful and interesting

Depok is a town in the province of West Java, Indonesia. Depok is located just south of Jakarta, between Jakarta Bogor. At first, There is a still a township unity with Bogor district, but now There's been a stand-alone and consists of 11 subdistricts which are then subdivided into 63 subdistricts. One advantage of that is owned by the University of Indonesia in Depok is the establishment, which is one of the best Universities in Indonesia. The existence of the University of Indonesia provides many advantages to Depok, many financial houses that offer services kosan, providing a convenient place for students or mahasisiwi who is not from There at a reasonable price. Despite being in an area of dense population, Depok has several interesting sights that you visit. Well check out some of the sights of Depok below:

5 the most popular attractions of Depok

Agro Tourism Starfruit Gods

      tour the star fruit God of Depok

Those of you who currently travel tours or are currently studying at the University of Indonesia and other University located in Depok, surely know well some of the attractions that are in There, in addition to the Mall instead? one of them is notable enough the orchard, star fruit gods. Depok has the nickname city of star fruit. There are about 600 farmers starfruit in Depok. You want to see more of star fruit orchards near can go to this place that was in the Neighborhood of white sand, Sawangan, Depok. Don't just look at the beauty of the gardens of star fruit, you can also opt in to pick fruit directly from the tree, you will be introduced by the Manager of the place about the ins and outs of star fruit gods. In this place are also available, namely the lunkhead sense of gods.

Kampung 99 Trees
                                                 Kampong tour 99 Trees Depok
Star fruit tasting satisfied God, you could continue the trip to Kampung 99 trees are quite near to masjid Dian Al Mahri. In this place there are quite a lot of green vegetation and also a variety of wildlife. In this place, you can do natural outbound and other activities that are very interesting.

Godhong Ijo

Tour Godhong ijo depok
Sights There are no less pulled it from the gods and kampung belimbing 99 trees is Godhong Ijo in Kelurahan of Serua. This place provides many attractive offers, bringing the visitor to interact more closely with the plants. It also comes with a green house plant, showroom, shop tools and supplies agricultural cultivation. It could be said, if Godhong Ijo is a haven of those hobby farm. In these sights, there is fishing and wildlife areas also which you can see after the selesa surrounds and browse plants.

Zidane's Cottage

This open recreation areas located on Crooked Swamp, Kampung Perigi, Prior, Sawangan, Depok. Recreation area that combines nature with outbound and education. There are many exciting activities you can do here, from riding the raft, go fishing to flying fox.

Flower Garden Wiladatika

A beautiful garden is located on Jamboree, Depok. A beautiful place with air that is still cool and fresh, very suitable as a family picnic destination. There is a flower garden, an artificial waterfall, a playground, a mini, Cave outdoor fountains and pools, all of which you can enjoy directly. Flower Garden Wiladatika. While enjoying the Natural Tours, you can also enjoy a culinary tour of depok.

So do not miss this Depok attractions during your stay in Singapore, no doubt you will not regret doing excursions to Depok.

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