Colon cancer or colorectal cancer, including cancer cell growth in the colon, anal and appendicitis. This cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer and the second leading cause of death due to cancer in the Western world. Colorectal cancer causes 655,000 deaths worldwide every year. Many colon cancers are known to originate from adenomas polyps in the colon and feces buildup due to constipation too long. The development of these polyps sometimes develop into cancer. Therapy for this cancer is usually through surgery, which is usually followed by chemotherapy.
Causes Colon Cancer:
• Contact with certain chemical substances such as heavy metals, toxins, and ototoksin and electromagnetic waves,
• irregular eating patterns,
• fiber intake is less,
• iron overload,
• saturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids (acid linol),
• Alcoholic beverages (intestine converts alcohol into asetilaldehida which increases the risk of colon cancer),
• obesity,
• working while sitting all day.
Colorectal Cancer Drugs
Causes Colon Cancer:
• Contact with certain chemical substances such as heavy metals, toxins, and ototoksin and electromagnetic waves,
• irregular eating patterns,
• fiber intake is less,
• iron overload,
• saturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids (acid linol),
• Alcoholic beverages (intestine converts alcohol into asetilaldehida which increases the risk of colon cancer),
• obesity,
• working while sitting all day.
Colorectal Cancer Drugs
Soursop leaves as colon cancer drug will disable the active substance that can cause cancer, inhibits the multiplication of abnormal cells in cancer, inhibit abnormal cell division cycle (cancer) has, stimulate the process of suicide in cancer cells, and inhibit the formation of new blood vessels in cell cancer in charge of providing food / nutrition for the development of cancer cells. If the cancer cells do not get enough nutrients, the cancer cells will weaken and die.
Mangosteen peel and leaves of the soursop as colon cancer drug will work more effectively when compared with other treatments. This is because, colon cancer drug ace maxs combines efficacy of soursop leaf and mangosteen skin so well that efficacy will be doubled.