Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Routines at work enables us to get stuck in a pattern of unhealthy living. Food and drink instant, overtime work, and less motion, is an example that is common on most workers.
In fact, the goals for more eating fresh vegetables and regularly practicing in the gym, it's been almost a year not yet eventuated.
But don't worry, there's still a way to reach your healthy living goals before the end of the year comes, without having to leave Your work routines.

1. Starting from the feet
The more you move away, the better, said ahlidiet registered and wellness bloggers Eat Run, Keri Gans. Start your day with a parked vehicle as far as possible from the location of the Office or if you take public transportation, stops a few stops before the office location.
Tackle the rest of the journey on foot. Upon arrival at the Office, choose to ascend the stairs rather than the elevator. If Your Office position there was a very high floor, try to keep climbing stairs as much as three to five floors, and then the rest of you could use a lift.

2. Preparing for the onslaught of hungry
Make sure you have a stash of healthy food to eat when the hunger strike before lunch time or in the evening. This will prevent You finding unhealthy snack full of calories or instant food.
If the hunger is too long withheld, there is a possibility You would eat with the film at the time of the lunch or dinner arrived. So, please eat when hungry, just watch what you eat.

3. bring your own lunch
If you hard gets healthy food around the workplace, berusalah to make yourself at home and brought it to the Office.
Poached Chicken breast or fish, red rice or whole wheat bread, vegetables and sambal terasi, is an example of a simple and healthy menus that will prevent you from ordering the fatty Chicken Coconut Curry with kikil or offal soup coconut milk soups.
Add fruit or yoghurt with Greece, perfected your lunch.

4. a light Workout at the work desk
Not all offices provide a time and place for its employees to exercise at work. But you can circumvent this by doing light exercise movement, without having to leave your desk.
Use simple tools such as resistance bands and small barbells can be used whenever there is a chance.
Do exercise also lifts both feet simultaneously until the thigh is parallel, hold for 10 seconds, then lower. Repeat your best. The movement of this Mayo Clinic you can do even while typing.

5. Keep moving
It is very important to keep moving throughout the day. Lunch time arrives, take stock of your lunch outside the Office. Enjoy in the garden or anywhere that allows.
That is important, you can move away while the rest for a moment and enjoy a healthy lunch, said Gans.

6. Limit the rah rah-after hours
This does not mean you should not socialize. Okay, restrict coffee consumption full of cream and sugar, sugary foods and too fatty, and even alcoholic beverages.
Many people fill the time-free time after work hours with a culinary adventure that jeopardize the weight.
Instead of adding extra calories, choose other activities such as watching a movie or watching art performances beginning with eating fruit salad and vegetable, as well as the pure juice at a restaurant favorite.

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