Saturday, 28 November 2015

iamges: water

Less Danger Of Drinking Plain Water. Eating and drinking are the two things that are very important to the survival of mankind. Without these two things, the impossible man can survive to this day. Especially drinking water needs is to be supplied in addition to foods that are nutritious vegetables and bervitamin. As we know, the moisture content in the human body reaches 60 percent. So drinking water 6-8 glasses a day is a must for every human body needs. Then, the dangers are less if humans drink water for health ...??

Friend, the human body needs fluid or air in the appropriate amount for his body. Function of water in the human body, namely to maintain the freshness of the body, helps the digestive system to make it more smoothly, release toxins in the body through sweat and urine. Water also serves to solvents, catalyst, lubricants, to regulate body temperature as well as electrolytes and minerals that are desperately needed by the body. A friend, following a 5 perils of less drinking water for health:

1. Interfere with brain function. White water is very good for our brain cells. The function of the white water so that the brain can think faster, it is not easy to forget or senile and could concentrate for each activity on the run. because if the water shortage especially white water will cause fluid in the brain will decrease, the intake of oxygen should be flowing to the brain is also reduced. Thus causing brain cells become inactive and did not develop as expected.
2. various health disorders. Less danger of drinking water next feels thirsty, throat feels dry, the temperature of the body become hot, exposed to symptoms of headache, the creature will be concentrated urine, pulse feels quick, symptoms of hallucinations and also fatal i.e. death.
3. bladder infections. The danger is less drinking water the next IE will cause a bladder infection. Symptoms of bladder infection i.e. a slightly increased body temperature, feels pain during urination even sometimes there is blood in the urine are issued.
4. Skin looks dull. The danger is less drinking white water next i.e. the skin becomes dull or not show radiant skin and youthful because capillary blood flow in the skin on the body is not the maximum.
5. Harm your kidneys. The danger is less drinking water is the fifth white i.e. can interfere with kidney function in your body. This is because water is very important to prevent kidney stones. The function of the white water on the kidney organ will make the component forming kidney stones easier fall along pee we spend each day.

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